Manage My Milk

An A-Type Momma's Guide to Exclusively Pumping

About Me

Hi - I'm Jessye!  I am a momma who struggled early on in motherhood when her plan and dream to breastfeed (and only pump when at work or away from kiddo) was not possible.  There was little information or stories of exclusively pumping mommas on the internet to help me even get started, but I was determined to provide breastmilk to my kiddo.  I'm hopeful that my story and the tips and tricks I learned along the way will help other moms be successful and feel supported!

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Coming Soon

On April 30, 2023, I will be releasing my Guide to Exclusively Pumping.  The purpose of this guide is to help a momma who is deciding to Exclusively Pump know where to START!  It will detail what you'll need, what I learned in my journey, and how to adjust when things aren't working.  You've GOT this!


I am not a lactation consultant, nurse, or any other type of wonderful essential worker focused on breastfeeding mommas.  I am the Administrator of a small business that successfully fed her baby, a sweet boy named Carter, by exclusively pumping for 15 months (and isn't done yet!). If you are struggling to breastfeed/pump, I hope you'll consider working with a lactation consultant... I did and I'm convinced they are angels on Earth.